We proudly present RailRest’s unwavering dedication to excellence in onboard dining services for Thalys trains. As a trusted partner in Thalys’ culinary journey, we believe in setting the highest standards for gastronomic experiences on the rails.

Thalys COunter

Being an excellent partner

We offer innovative, sustainable and high quality solutions that meet our client’s requirements.
We are a transparent partner, ethical in our business conduct and responsible in our purchasing and governance policies.
We meet our client’s expectations with enthusiasm and professionalism; we are always available and flexible; we know how to adapt to the unexpected and complicated situations with reliability and agility.
Maintaining a long-term relationship of trust with our client & customers is our priority.

Being an employer
of a choice

We promote diversity, inclusiveness, multicultural exchange and fair & individual treatment of all our employees.
We recruit many candidates recommended by our teams.
We ensure a climate of well-being at work, a collaborative management and the professional and personal development of our teams.
We share a strong corporate culture and communicate our vision, values, strategic choices and commitments to our teams.

Employees RailRest - Man and Woman
Forest Nature

Being an environmentally
responsible player

Since 2019, we have been developing solutions to help reduce the environmental footprint of our business.
We are committed to implementing environmentally friendly, energy efficient and non-polluting methods.
We pay particular attention to our suppliers, the choice of products and their packaging and waste management.
All our teams are trained and made aware of our circular policy, our commitments and environmental issues.

Being committed to
Health and quality

At Railrest, we prioritize healthy nutrition with strict adherence to hygiene standards. Our ISO9001:2008 and ISO22000 certifications validate our commitment to quality. Enjoy a wholesome dining experience with us!

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